Teach your dog the perfect recall

Teach your dog the perfect recall

Did you know that your dog’s hearing is four times better than humans? Their hearing is so good they can even hear the vibrations of termites in the walls. Yet, whenever you call your dog on a walk, they suddenly can’t hear a thing… Let's change that together!

Without giving too much away, the trick is a lot of repetition. All day, every day. However, there are plenty of easy changes and training techniques you can implement today to improve your dog’s recall. Check out below our top 10 tips for gaining a consistent recall. 

  1. Step 1 - Start training at home
  2. Step 2 - Find a good recall word
  3. Step 3 - My dog didn't come back to me. What do I do?
  4. Step 4 - Never use your cue word in other situations
  5. Step 5 - Reward reward reward
  6. Step 6 - Use a long line
  7. Step 7 - Reward when the recall naturally happen
  8. Step 8 - When not to recall
  9. Step 9 - Add distractions
  10. Step 10 - Stop chasing your dog for fun

Step 1 - Start training at home

Like all other behaviours, you need to work up to using recall in very distracting environments by training the cue in increasingly distracting situations. Start at home, in a nice quiet room and gradually work up to busier environments.

It is now time to pick your recall cue! It is important that this cue is not one that you have already over-used. Sometimes it’s easier to condition a new cue than it is to change the emotional response to an old one. Currently 'Come' could mean 'continue sniffing the tree' to your dog! Consider changing it to 'Here' and start fresh!

We now want to give the cue value by pairing it with high-value food. Dog hears cue word = Treat appears! Say your cue word and immediately reward your dog with a treat. Repeat this 20 times.

Top top: They have to get a treat every singe time you sat the cue word. 

Repeat this exercise multiple times throughout the day. Please note - your dog does not need to be running to you to begin with. They can be lying next to you or just sitting nicely. The main aim is to start pairing this cue with a high value reward. Very quickly, your dog will associate the cue with the experience of yummy food and you’ll have created a very positive association with this word!

Step 2 - Find a good recall word

Have you ever noticed that your dog runs to you whenever they hear the fridge door opening? Or a packet of crisps? Well done, you have successfully trained your dog to recall to those cues! Now all we need to do is bring the fridge out with us to the park. 

Okay, maybe not. How can we build the same urgency around our recall cue? Start by simply saying your recall cue every day before putting your dog’s breakfast and dinner down. This is a super easy way to build a positive association with that cue word.

Step 3 - My dog didn't come back to me. What do I do?

Never punish your dog for coming back to you, even if it took 30 minutes and the help of strangers at the park. We know how humiliating this can feel, but when your dog finally returns to you, the last thing we advise, is telling your dog off, putting their lead back on and going straight home. Your dog has forgotten all about the fun 30 minutes they just had and has paired walking towards you with negative consequences. Next time they just won’t return (again). 

Instead, smile through gritted teeth, celebrate, give your dog a yummy treat, pop them back on lead and continue a nice on-lead walk for another 10 minutes before heading home.

Step 4 - Never use your cue word in other situations

Avoid using your recall cue for something unpleasant. We spend weeks and weeks conditioning our recall cue to equal something positive and then suddenly, we say ‘Come!’ before popping them in the bath or administering eye drops. This has ruined all of our hard work and our dog has learnt that ‘Come’ = scary! Try and be very mindful of only using your recall cue before happy things!

Step 5 - Reward reward reward

Pay generously with high quality treats! Having some variety will keep your dog interested as to what they might get next. When thinking about rewards in terms of a pay-scale, recall is one job that many dogs find the most difficult, therefore it deserves the highest pay! We love using  Marleybones all natural and soft chicken, hawthorn and sage treats! 

Remember, motivation doesn't always have to be food related. We want to try and incorporate toys, a fuss, a ball, twigs, leaves and whatever is around us reward our dogs for a great recall to ensure our dogs want to stick around us. Try and bring a variety of treats and toys out on every walk! Have fun and be creative. You need to be more fun than the environment around your dog. 

Step 6 - Use a long line

Use a long line when first working with recall out on the trails or park so you can keep your dog close and have better control over self-rewarding behaviour (like chasing squirrels or running up to other dogs). The more your dog practices a behaviour, the better they get at it, so it’s really important that they aren’t practicing running up to other dogs and children on walks every day. Using a biothane, 5-metre long line on walks gives you the added reassurance whilst you are training a reliable recall. All dogs should be wearing a long line until they have super recall. In general, working on building focus on you around other dogs is key here, so we wouldn’t advise letting your dog play with every dog they see in the park.

Step 7 - Reward when the recall naturally happen

Capture recalls when they naturally happen! I like to say that ‘What get’s rewarded, Get’s repeated!’. If you reward your dog every time they run to you, even if you didn’t ask for it, they will do it more often!

Bare this in mind at home and in the garden. Every single time your dog runs/walks towards you, have a party!

Step 8 - When not to recall

Never use your recall cue if you know your dog won’t listen. For example, if they are playing with another dog or have a squirrel treed. Instead, go and get your dog and remove them from the situation without saying anything. If sniffing, wait for their nose to pop up! Very often, we see owners shouting ‘Benji Come… come…. come…Benji…come…come…’. After 15 attempts, Benji finally wanders back. What has Benji learnt here? 14 out of 15 times when he hears that word, nothing happens! Try really hard not to repeat your dog’s name or your recall cue unless you are certain your dog will respond to it. We always want to set them up for success. If they are having too much fun elsewhere, go over to them instead.

Step 9 - Add distractions

Gradually work on adding distractions at home. This could be something as simple as an old toy. Start working on recalling your dog away from distractions at home first, so that it becomes a reflex when they are met with distractions outside! Especially for puppies, distractions are our biggest challenge, so we need to ensure that we have performed lots and lot of repetitions at home. Train for the event!

Step 10 - Stop chasing your dog for fun

Finally, you unfurtunately have to stop chasing your dog for dun. Over and over, we see people chasing their puppies and older dogs for fun in their garden to let off some steam. Of course, we love that you want to play and engage with your dogs, however what exactly are we teaching our dogs here? Running away from Mum and Dad is a lot of fun. If this is repeated every day, we are reinforcing our dog’s highly for running away from us. Instead, change the game around and get your dog chasing you for fun.

Lasty, always ensure your dog is microchipped and wearing an up-to-date tag.

Happy Recalling!

Written By : Obsidian Digital

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